* This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting. I'D LIKE TO MOVE THAT [00:00:01] WE OPEN UP THE, UH, MEETING TODAY'S [ TOWN OF GREENBURGH OFFICE OF THE TOWN BOARD 177 Hillside Avenue, Greenburgh, NY 10607 Tel: 914-989-1500 Fax: 914-993-1541 Email: JDudek@Greenburghny.com https://ny-greenburgh.civicplus.com/485/Watch-Live-Board-Meetings] NOVEMBER 23RD AFTER 5:00 PM FIVE 15. OKAY. I THINK JANELLE NEEDED TO SET UP SOMETHING FIRST. NO, SHE SAID, SHE SAID 5, 7, 5 SECONDS. I GAVE A 10. UH, SECOND. YEAH. TO DISCUSS, DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS INVOLVING PERSONNEL MATTERS INDIVIDUALS. RIGHT. AND WE'RE NOT RETURNING AND WE'RE NOT RETURNING TODAY. AND WE JUST WANNA WISH EVERYBODY ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN BOARD. UH, HAPPY THANKSGIVING. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. GREAT. AND REMEMBER, THERE ARE NO CALORIES ON THANKSGIVING. NO CALORIES. ALL, EVERYTHING IS OFF. AND YOU'LL LEARN HOW TRUE THAT IS THE DAY AFTER . ALRIGHT, EVERYONE, HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY. BYE-BYE. NO SCALES. NO SCALES, NO SCALES. * This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting.