1. Case No. 15-08 – Westchester Square Shopping Center, for property located at 215-299 Central Park Avenue, (PO Hartsdale), NY. The applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-Attachment 2.1 of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from .135 (permitted), .151 (existing) to .166 (proposed); from Section 285-29.1(C)(7)(a) to increase the maximum Impervious Surface from 60 % (permitted), 64.5 % (existing) to 67.9 % (proposed), in order to expand an existing building (Trader Joe’s) and construct one (1) new building, along with a reconfiguration of the existing parking lot. The property is located in the CA-Central Avenue Mixed-Use District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcels ID: 8.210-151-2, 8.210-151-3, 8-210-151-4, 8-210-155-2.1 and 8.210-155-2.3 ZBA Case 15-08 is Closed for Decision Only
2. Case No. 15-15 – Nick Pacia, for property at 169 Fort Hill Road (PO Scarsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-12(B)(3)(d) of the Zoning Code to increase the maximum impervious surface from 29 % (permitted) to 35.68 % (proposed), in order to install an in ground pool and patio. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map Parcel ID: 8.580-397-1 & 8.580-397-2. The Zoning Board of Appeals closed the Hearing for Case 15-15. The record will be held open to November 30, 2015 and will be adjourned to December 17, 2015
3. Case No. 15-22 – Edgemont Community Council, for property located at 448 Underhill Road (PO Scarsdale), NY. Applicant is appealing from an interpretation of the Building Inspector that the property needs no variances to construct an assisted living facility. The property is located in an R-30 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.330-242-9
4. Case No. 15-26 – Robin Camhi Baum, for property at 72 Charlotte Place, (PO Hartsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting a variance from Section 285-40(C)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard from 21 ft. (required), to 11 ft. (proposed) in order to construct a deck replacement. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.310-235-13. ZBA Case No. 15-26 has requested to withdraw the case
5. Case No. 15-28 – Mack Cali, for property at 101 Executive Blvd., (PO Elmsford), NY. Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-34(B)(3)(b)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum principal building coverage from 25 % (permitted) to 26.98 % (proposed); from Section 285-34(B)(4)(f) to reduce the front yard from 100 ft. (required), 39.20 ft. (existing) to 43.21 ft. (proposed); and to reduce the rear yard from 100 ft. (required), 15 ft. (granted in ZBA Case 68-46) to 10 ft. (proposed). The property is located in a PD-Nonresidential Planned Development District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.120-18-4. ZBA Case No. 15-28 Has been Closed for Decision Only
6. Case No. 15-31 – Samuel Gordon, for property 2A Brook Lane East, (PO Hartsdale), NY. . Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-14(B)(5)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the distance from the side lot line to the off-street parking area from 12 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-14(B)(5)(c) to reduce the distance from the rear lot line to the off-street parking area from 12 ft. (required) to 1.5 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-39C(9)(a) to permit access to the proposed structure from a street that is not improved to Town road standards, in order to construct a new single family house. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the town Tax Map as Parcel ID’s: 8.420-303-1 and 8.420-303-4.
8. Case No. 15-32 – Maria Kassomenakis, for property located at 5 Jean Lane (PO Hartsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-14(B)(3)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum impervious surface from 37.25 % (permitted) to 40.6 % (proposed); and from Section 285-5 to reduce the rear yard from 10 ft. (required) to 2.58 ft. (proposed), in order to legalize the installation of a patio and retaining wall. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.120-70-47.
1. Case No. 15-08 – Westchester Square Shopping Center, for property located at 215-299 Central Park Avenue, (PO Hartsdale), NY. The applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-Attachment 2.1 of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from .135 (permitted), .151 (existing) to .166 (proposed); from Section 285-29.1(C)(7)(a) to increase the maximum Impervious Surface from 60 % (permitted), 64.5 % (existing) to 67.9 % (proposed), in order to expand an existing building (Trader Joe’s) and construct one (1) new building, along with a reconfiguration of the existing parking lot. The property is located in the CA-Central Avenue Mixed-Use District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcels ID: 8.210-151-2, 8.210-151-3, 8-210-151-4, 8-210-155-2.1 and 8.210-155-2.3 ZBA Case 15-08 is Closed for Decision Only
2. Case No. 15-15 – Nick Pacia, for property at 169 Fort Hill Road (PO Scarsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-12(B)(3)(d) of the Zoning Code to increase the maximum impervious surface from 29 % (permitted) to 35.68 % (proposed), in order to install an in ground pool and patio. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map Parcel ID: 8.580-397-1 & 8.580-397-2. The Zoning Board of Appeals closed the Hearing for Case 15-15. The record will be held open to November 30, 2015 and will be adjourned to December 17, 2015
3. Case No. 15-22 – Edgemont Community Council, for property located at 448 Underhill Road (PO Scarsdale), NY. Applicant is appealing from an interpretation of the Building Inspector that the property needs no variances to construct an assisted living facility. The property is located in an R-30 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.330-242-9
4. Case No. 15-26 – Robin Camhi Baum, for property at 72 Charlotte Place, (PO Hartsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting a variance from Section 285-40(C)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard from 21 ft. (required), to 11 ft. (proposed) in order to construct a deck replacement. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.310-235-13. ZBA Case No. 15-26 has requested to withdraw the case
5. Case No. 15-28 – Mack Cali, for property at 101 Executive Blvd., (PO Elmsford), NY. Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-34(B)(3)(b)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum principal building coverage from 25 % (permitted) to 26.98 % (proposed); from Section 285-34(B)(4)(f) to reduce the front yard from 100 ft. (required), 39.20 ft. (existing) to 43.21 ft. (proposed); and to reduce the rear yard from 100 ft. (required), 15 ft. (granted in ZBA Case 68-46) to 10 ft. (proposed). The property is located in a PD-Nonresidential Planned Development District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.120-18-4. ZBA Case No. 15-28 Has been Closed for Decision Only
6. Case No. 15-31 – Samuel Gordon, for property 2A Brook Lane East, (PO Hartsdale), NY. . Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-14(B)(5)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the distance from the side lot line to the off-street parking area from 12 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-14(B)(5)(c) to reduce the distance from the rear lot line to the off-street parking area from 12 ft. (required) to 1.5 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-39C(9)(a) to permit access to the proposed structure from a street that is not improved to Town road standards, in order to construct a new single family house. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the town Tax Map as Parcel ID’s: 8.420-303-1 and 8.420-303-4.
8. Case No. 15-32 – Maria Kassomenakis, for property located at 5 Jean Lane (PO Hartsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-14(B)(3)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum impervious surface from 37.25 % (permitted) to 40.6 % (proposed); and from Section 285-5 to reduce the rear yard from 10 ft. (required) to 2.58 ft. (proposed), in order to legalize the installation of a patio and retaining wall. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.120-70-47.