1. Case No. 16-06 – Formation Shelbourne Senior Living Services, LLC, for property located at 448 Underhill Rd., (P.O. Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-10(A)((4)(f)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease the minimum lot area from 4 acres (required) to 3.79 acres (proposed); and from Section 285-10(A)(4)(f)(14) to allow the site to be more than 200 ft. from a state or county right-of-way, in order to permit development of an assisted living facility on the property. The property is located in an R-40 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.330-242-9.
2. Case No. 16-08 - Lisa Zamudio, for property located at 32 N. Central Park Ave., (P.O. Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285 Attachment 1:1 of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from .30 (permitted) to 0.487 (proposed); from Section 295-29.1(C)(4)(7)(a) to increase maximum impervious surface from 60 % (permitted) to 73.8 % (proposed); from Section 285-29.1(C)(2) to reduce the front yard setback from 40 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed) and to reduce the south side yard from 20 ft. (required) to 6 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-29.1(C)(3) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the principal building from 10 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed), and to the rear lot line from 15 ft. (required) to 8 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-38(E) to reduce the number of parking spaces from 22 (required) to 12 (proposed); and from Section 285-29.1(D)(3) to reduce the minimum landscape area along the front property line from 20 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed), in order to construct an office building. The property is located in a CA-Central Avenue Mixed Use Impact District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel Lot: 8.250-190-7.2
3. Case No. 16-17 - Miguel Huaman, for property at 22 Yosemite Avenue, (P.O. White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-16(B)(3)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum impervious surface from 43.75 % (permitted), 59 % (existing) to 65 % (proposed); and from Section 285-16(B)(5)(c) to reduce the rear yard from 10 ft. (required), 8 ft. (existing) to 8 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a patio; and from Section 285-16(B)(5)(b) to reduce the side yard from 8 ft. (required), 3 ft. (existing) to 3 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-16(B)(c) to reduce the rear yard from 8 ft. (required), 3.3 ft. (existing) to 3.3 ft. (proposed), and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to increase a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to reconstruct a detached garage. The property is located in an IB – Intermediate Business District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.40-228-34.
4. Case No. 16-20 – Michael & Nancy Bowerman, for property at 17 Jean Lane, (P.O. Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-(14)(B)(5)(b) to reduce the north and south side yard setbacks from a parking area from 12 ft. (required) to 0 ft. for the north side & 5.0 ft. for south side (proposed), in order to legalize a driveway extension. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.120-70-66.
5. Case No. 16-21 – ECNY Electric, for property at 520 White Plains Rd., (P.O. Tarrytown, NY). Applicant is requesting a variance from Section 285-40(B)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 14.0 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a solar carport canopy. The property is located in an OB-Office Business District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.160-42-5
6. Case No. 16-23 – White Hickory Assoc. for Q’Doba, for property at 652 White Plains Rd. (PO Tarrytown, NY). Applicant is requesting a variance from Section 240-3(C)(9) of the Sign and Illumination Law to increase the number of wall signs from one (1) (permitted) on the front of the building to two (2) (proposed), in order to place a sign on the side elevation of a building located on a non-corner lot. The property is located in an OB-Office Business District and is designated on the town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.230-100-1.1.
8. Case No. 16-24 – Gerri & Andrew Sommers, for property at 21 Rockhill Road, (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variance from Section 285-40(B)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 15.83 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a pool cabana. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.350-252-43.
9. Case No. 16-25 – Edward & Renee Jachemczyk, for property at 36 Lynwood Road, (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-16(B)(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard from 20 ft. (required) to 14.83 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-16(B)(4)(d) to reduce the rear yard from 26 ft. (required) to 20.75 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-39(D)(2)(a) to reduce the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 2,760 sq. ft. (permitted) to 3,386 sq. ft. (proposed); from Section 285-16 (B)(3)(b) to increase the maximum impervious surface from 43.75 % (permitted) to 48.8 % (proposed), to construct an attached two-car garage and master bedroom suite; and from Section 285-40(C)(2) to reduce the rear yard from 21 ft. (required) to 12.83 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a deck. The property is located in an R-5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID 8.540-374-1.
1. Case No. 16-06 – Formation Shelbourne Senior Living Services, LLC, for property located at 448 Underhill Rd., (P.O. Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-10(A)((4)(f)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease the minimum lot area from 4 acres (required) to 3.79 acres (proposed); and from Section 285-10(A)(4)(f)(14) to allow the site to be more than 200 ft. from a state or county right-of-way, in order to permit development of an assisted living facility on the property. The property is located in an R-40 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.330-242-9.
2. Case No. 16-08 - Lisa Zamudio, for property located at 32 N. Central Park Ave., (P.O. Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285 Attachment 1:1 of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from .30 (permitted) to 0.487 (proposed); from Section 295-29.1(C)(4)(7)(a) to increase maximum impervious surface from 60 % (permitted) to 73.8 % (proposed); from Section 285-29.1(C)(2) to reduce the front yard setback from 40 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed) and to reduce the south side yard from 20 ft. (required) to 6 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-29.1(C)(3) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the principal building from 10 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed), and to the rear lot line from 15 ft. (required) to 8 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-38(E) to reduce the number of parking spaces from 22 (required) to 12 (proposed); and from Section 285-29.1(D)(3) to reduce the minimum landscape area along the front property line from 20 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed), in order to construct an office building. The property is located in a CA-Central Avenue Mixed Use Impact District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel Lot: 8.250-190-7.2
3. Case No. 16-17 - Miguel Huaman, for property at 22 Yosemite Avenue, (P.O. White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-16(B)(3)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum impervious surface from 43.75 % (permitted), 59 % (existing) to 65 % (proposed); and from Section 285-16(B)(5)(c) to reduce the rear yard from 10 ft. (required), 8 ft. (existing) to 8 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a patio; and from Section 285-16(B)(5)(b) to reduce the side yard from 8 ft. (required), 3 ft. (existing) to 3 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-16(B)(c) to reduce the rear yard from 8 ft. (required), 3.3 ft. (existing) to 3.3 ft. (proposed), and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to increase a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to reconstruct a detached garage. The property is located in an IB – Intermediate Business District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.40-228-34.
4. Case No. 16-20 – Michael & Nancy Bowerman, for property at 17 Jean Lane, (P.O. Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-(14)(B)(5)(b) to reduce the north and south side yard setbacks from a parking area from 12 ft. (required) to 0 ft. for the north side & 5.0 ft. for south side (proposed), in order to legalize a driveway extension. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.120-70-66.
5. Case No. 16-21 – ECNY Electric, for property at 520 White Plains Rd., (P.O. Tarrytown, NY). Applicant is requesting a variance from Section 285-40(B)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 14.0 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a solar carport canopy. The property is located in an OB-Office Business District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.160-42-5
6. Case No. 16-23 – White Hickory Assoc. for Q’Doba, for property at 652 White Plains Rd. (PO Tarrytown, NY). Applicant is requesting a variance from Section 240-3(C)(9) of the Sign and Illumination Law to increase the number of wall signs from one (1) (permitted) on the front of the building to two (2) (proposed), in order to place a sign on the side elevation of a building located on a non-corner lot. The property is located in an OB-Office Business District and is designated on the town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.230-100-1.1.
8. Case No. 16-24 – Gerri & Andrew Sommers, for property at 21 Rockhill Road, (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variance from Section 285-40(B)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 15.83 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a pool cabana. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.350-252-43.
9. Case No. 16-25 – Edward & Renee Jachemczyk, for property at 36 Lynwood Road, (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-16(B)(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard from 20 ft. (required) to 14.83 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-16(B)(4)(d) to reduce the rear yard from 26 ft. (required) to 20.75 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-39(D)(2)(a) to reduce the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 2,760 sq. ft. (permitted) to 3,386 sq. ft. (proposed); from Section 285-16 (B)(3)(b) to increase the maximum impervious surface from 43.75 % (permitted) to 48.8 % (proposed), to construct an attached two-car garage and master bedroom suite; and from Section 285-40(C)(2) to reduce the rear yard from 21 ft. (required) to 12.83 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a deck. The property is located in an R-5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID 8.540-374-1.