1. Case No. 1606 – Formation Shelbourne Senior Living Services, LLC, for property located at 448 Underhill Rd., (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 28510( A)((4)(f)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease the minimum lot area from 4 acres (required) to 3.79 acres (proposed)? and from Section 28510( A)(4)(f)(14) to increase the distance from a state or county rightofway from 200 ft. (required) to 6,025 linear ft. (proposed), in order to permit development of an assisted living facility on the property The property is located in an R30 OneFamily Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.3302429. For Public comment regarding the Conditioned Negative Declaration Only 2. Case No. 1608 – Lisa Zamudio, for property located at 32 N. Central Park Ave. (PO Hartsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285 Attachment 1:1 of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from .30 (permitted) to 0.53 (proposed)? from Section 29529.1( C)(4)(7)(a) to increase maximum impervious surface from 60 % (permitted) to 71.45 % (proposed)? from Section 28529.1( C)(2) to reduce the front yard setback from the principal building from 40 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed)? to reduce the south side yard from the principal building from 20 ft. (required) to 4.4 ft. (proposed) and to reduce the rear yard from the principal building from 25 ft. (required) to 21.33 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28529.1( C)(3) to reduce the distance from offstreet parking to the principal building from 10 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed)? from the north side lot line to the parking area from 10 ft. (required) to 4 ft. (proposed)? and from the front lot line to the parking area from 20 ft. (required) to 10 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28538( E) to reduce the number of parking spaces from 18 (required) to 12 (proposed)? and from Section 28529.1( D)(3) to reduce the minimum landscape area along the front property line from 20 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed), in order to construct an office building. The property is located in a CACentral Avenue Mixed Use Impact District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as property Parcel Lot: 8.2501907.2. 3. Case No. 1630 – New Cingular Wireless, PCS LLC (AT&T), for property at 525 Executive Blvd., (PO Elmsford, NY). Applicant is requesting a special permit pursuant to Section 28537( A)(9) of the Zoning Ordinance to install a collocated rooftop wireless telecommunication facility at a site that does not permit such facilities as of right. The property is located in a PDNonresidential Planned Development District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel Lot ID: 7.120187. ZBA Case 1630 has been Closed for Decision Only 5. Case No. 1631 – Dominic Veneziano, for property at 13 Birchwood Lane, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28512( B(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one side yard from 18 ft. (required) to 11.58 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28512( B)(4)(c) to reduce the total of two side yards from 40 ft. (required) to 37 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a sunroom on the property. The property is located in an R20 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.2401779. 6. Case No. 1701 – San Signs & Awnings, for property at 250 Tarrytown Rd., (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 2403( D)(14)(d)(1) to increase the maximum letter height of a wall sign from 2 ft. (permitted) to 2.14 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 1 (“Nail & Spa”), to 2.18 ft. for Tenant 2 (“Not Just Deli”) and to 2.24 ft. on two (2) signs for Tenant 3 (“Mattress Firm”)? to increase the length of a wall sign from 9.7 ft. (permitted) to 12.39 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 1? from 8 ft. (permitted) to 16 ft. for Tenant 2? and from 20.375 ft. (permitted) to 25.46 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 3, in order to install four (4) new wall signs. The property is located in an URGCUrban Renewal General Commercial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.4903021 7. Case No. 1702 – Sanjay& Medhar Nerkar, for property at 3 Westway, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28515( B)(3)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum principal building coverage from 24 % (permitted), 24.4 % (existing) to 24.44 % (proposed)? from Section 28539( 2)(a) to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 2,902 sq. ft. (permitted) to 3,279 sq. ft. (proposed), in order to construct an addition. The property is located in an R7.5 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.17011011. 8. Case No. 1704 – Joseph Fiorelli, for property at 75 Mayfair Way, (PO Box White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28514( B)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one side yard from 12 ft. (required) to 3 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28514( B)(4)(c) to reduce the rear yard from 12 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed)? and from Section 28540( B)(4) to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 15 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a two (2) car garage. The property is located in an R10 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.801011.
1. Case No. 1606 – Formation Shelbourne Senior Living Services, LLC, for property located at 448 Underhill Rd., (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 28510( A)((4)(f)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease the minimum lot area from 4 acres (required) to 3.79 acres (proposed)? and from Section 28510( A)(4)(f)(14) to increase the distance from a state or county rightofway from 200 ft. (required) to 6,025 linear ft. (proposed), in order to permit development of an assisted living facility on the property The property is located in an R30 OneFamily Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.3302429. For Public comment regarding the Conditioned Negative Declaration Only 2. Case No. 1608 – Lisa Zamudio, for property located at 32 N. Central Park Ave. (PO Hartsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285 Attachment 1:1 of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from .30 (permitted) to 0.53 (proposed)? from Section 29529.1( C)(4)(7)(a) to increase maximum impervious surface from 60 % (permitted) to 71.45 % (proposed)? from Section 28529.1( C)(2) to reduce the front yard setback from the principal building from 40 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed)? to reduce the south side yard from the principal building from 20 ft. (required) to 4.4 ft. (proposed) and to reduce the rear yard from the principal building from 25 ft. (required) to 21.33 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28529.1( C)(3) to reduce the distance from offstreet parking to the principal building from 10 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed)? from the north side lot line to the parking area from 10 ft. (required) to 4 ft. (proposed)? and from the front lot line to the parking area from 20 ft. (required) to 10 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28538( E) to reduce the number of parking spaces from 18 (required) to 12 (proposed)? and from Section 28529.1( D)(3) to reduce the minimum landscape area along the front property line from 20 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed), in order to construct an office building. The property is located in a CACentral Avenue Mixed Use Impact District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as property Parcel Lot: 8.2501907.2. 3. Case No. 1630 – New Cingular Wireless, PCS LLC (AT&T), for property at 525 Executive Blvd., (PO Elmsford, NY). Applicant is requesting a special permit pursuant to Section 28537( A)(9) of the Zoning Ordinance to install a collocated rooftop wireless telecommunication facility at a site that does not permit such facilities as of right. The property is located in a PDNonresidential Planned Development District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel Lot ID: 7.120187. ZBA Case 1630 has been Closed for Decision Only 5. Case No. 1631 – Dominic Veneziano, for property at 13 Birchwood Lane, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28512( B(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one side yard from 18 ft. (required) to 11.58 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28512( B)(4)(c) to reduce the total of two side yards from 40 ft. (required) to 37 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a sunroom on the property. The property is located in an R20 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.2401779. 6. Case No. 1701 – San Signs & Awnings, for property at 250 Tarrytown Rd., (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 2403( D)(14)(d)(1) to increase the maximum letter height of a wall sign from 2 ft. (permitted) to 2.14 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 1 (“Nail & Spa”), to 2.18 ft. for Tenant 2 (“Not Just Deli”) and to 2.24 ft. on two (2) signs for Tenant 3 (“Mattress Firm”)? to increase the length of a wall sign from 9.7 ft. (permitted) to 12.39 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 1? from 8 ft. (permitted) to 16 ft. for Tenant 2? and from 20.375 ft. (permitted) to 25.46 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 3, in order to install four (4) new wall signs. The property is located in an URGCUrban Renewal General Commercial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.4903021 7. Case No. 1702 – Sanjay& Medhar Nerkar, for property at 3 Westway, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28515( B)(3)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum principal building coverage from 24 % (permitted), 24.4 % (existing) to 24.44 % (proposed)? from Section 28539( 2)(a) to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 2,902 sq. ft. (permitted) to 3,279 sq. ft. (proposed), in order to construct an addition. The property is located in an R7.5 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.17011011. 8. Case No. 1704 – Joseph Fiorelli, for property at 75 Mayfair Way, (PO Box White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28514( B)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one side yard from 12 ft. (required) to 3 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28514( B)(4)(c) to reduce the rear yard from 12 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed)? and from Section 28540( B)(4) to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 15 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a two (2) car garage. The property is located in an R10 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.801011.
1. Case No. 1606 – Formation Shelbourne Senior Living Services, LLC, for property located at 448 Underhill Rd., (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 28510( A)((4)(f)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease the minimum lot area from 4 acres (required) to 3.79 acres (proposed)? and from Section 28510( A)(4)(f)(14) to increase the distance from a state or county rightofway from 200 ft. (required) to 6,025 linear ft. (proposed), in order to permit development of an assisted living facility on the property The property is located in an R30 OneFamily Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.3302429. For Public comment regarding the Conditioned Negative Declaration Only 2. Case No. 1608 – Lisa Zamudio, for property located at 32 N. Central Park Ave. (PO Hartsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285 Attachment 1:1 of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from .30 (permitted) to 0.53 (proposed)? from Section 29529.1( C)(4)(7)(a) to increase maximum impervious surface from 60 % (permitted) to 71.45 % (proposed)? from Section 28529.1( C)(2) to reduce the front yard setback from the principal building from 40 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed)? to reduce the south side yard from the principal building from 20 ft. (required) to 4.4 ft. (proposed) and to reduce the rear yard from the principal building from 25 ft. (required) to 21.33 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28529.1( C)(3) to reduce the distance from offstreet parking to the principal building from 10 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed)? from the north side lot line to the parking area from 10 ft. (required) to 4 ft. (proposed)? and from the front lot line to the parking area from 20 ft. (required) to 10 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28538( E) to reduce the number of parking spaces from 18 (required) to 12 (proposed)? and from Section 28529.1( D)(3) to reduce the minimum landscape area along the front property line from 20 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed), in order to construct an office building. The property is located in a CACentral Avenue Mixed Use Impact District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as property Parcel Lot: 8.2501907.2. 3. Case No. 1630 – New Cingular Wireless, PCS LLC (AT&T), for property at 525 Executive Blvd., (PO Elmsford, NY). Applicant is requesting a special permit pursuant to Section 28537( A)(9) of the Zoning Ordinance to install a collocated rooftop wireless telecommunication facility at a site that does not permit such facilities as of right. The property is located in a PDNonresidential Planned Development District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel Lot ID: 7.120187. ZBA Case 1630 has been Closed for Decision Only 5. Case No. 1631 – Dominic Veneziano, for property at 13 Birchwood Lane, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28512( B(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one side yard from 18 ft. (required) to 11.58 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28512( B)(4)(c) to reduce the total of two side yards from 40 ft. (required) to 37 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a sunroom on the property. The property is located in an R20 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.2401779. 6. Case No. 1701 – San Signs & Awnings, for property at 250 Tarrytown Rd., (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 2403( D)(14)(d)(1) to increase the maximum letter height of a wall sign from 2 ft. (permitted) to 2.14 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 1 (“Nail & Spa”), to 2.18 ft. for Tenant 2 (“Not Just Deli”) and to 2.24 ft. on two (2) signs for Tenant 3 (“Mattress Firm”)? to increase the length of a wall sign from 9.7 ft. (permitted) to 12.39 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 1? from 8 ft. (permitted) to 16 ft. for Tenant 2? and from 20.375 ft. (permitted) to 25.46 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 3, in order to install four (4) new wall signs. The property is located in an URGCUrban Renewal General Commercial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.4903021 7. Case No. 1702 – Sanjay& Medhar Nerkar, for property at 3 Westway, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28515( B)(3)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum principal building coverage from 24 % (permitted), 24.4 % (existing) to 24.44 % (proposed)? from Section 28539( 2)(a) to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 2,902 sq. ft. (permitted) to 3,279 sq. ft. (proposed), in order to construct an addition. The property is located in an R7.5 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.17011011. 8. Case No. 1704 – Joseph Fiorelli, for property at 75 Mayfair Way, (PO Box White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28514( B)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one side yard from 12 ft. (required) to 3 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28514( B)(4)(c) to reduce the rear yard from 12 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed)? and from Section 28540( B)(4) to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 15 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a two (2) car garage. The property is located in an R10 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.801011.
1. Case No. 1606 – Formation Shelbourne Senior Living Services, LLC, for property located at 448 Underhill Rd., (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 28510( A)((4)(f)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease the minimum lot area from 4 acres (required) to 3.79 acres (proposed)? and from Section 28510( A)(4)(f)(14) to increase the distance from a state or county rightofway from 200 ft. (required) to 6,025 linear ft. (proposed), in order to permit development of an assisted living facility on the property The property is located in an R30 OneFamily Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.3302429. For Public comment regarding the Conditioned Negative Declaration Only 2. Case No. 1608 – Lisa Zamudio, for property located at 32 N. Central Park Ave. (PO Hartsdale), NY. Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285 Attachment 1:1 of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from .30 (permitted) to 0.53 (proposed)? from Section 29529.1( C)(4)(7)(a) to increase maximum impervious surface from 60 % (permitted) to 71.45 % (proposed)? from Section 28529.1( C)(2) to reduce the front yard setback from the principal building from 40 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed)? to reduce the south side yard from the principal building from 20 ft. (required) to 4.4 ft. (proposed) and to reduce the rear yard from the principal building from 25 ft. (required) to 21.33 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28529.1( C)(3) to reduce the distance from offstreet parking to the principal building from 10 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed)? from the north side lot line to the parking area from 10 ft. (required) to 4 ft. (proposed)? and from the front lot line to the parking area from 20 ft. (required) to 10 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28538( E) to reduce the number of parking spaces from 18 (required) to 12 (proposed)? and from Section 28529.1( D)(3) to reduce the minimum landscape area along the front property line from 20 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed), in order to construct an office building. The property is located in a CACentral Avenue Mixed Use Impact District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as property Parcel Lot: 8.2501907.2. 3. Case No. 1630 – New Cingular Wireless, PCS LLC (AT&T), for property at 525 Executive Blvd., (PO Elmsford, NY). Applicant is requesting a special permit pursuant to Section 28537( A)(9) of the Zoning Ordinance to install a collocated rooftop wireless telecommunication facility at a site that does not permit such facilities as of right. The property is located in a PDNonresidential Planned Development District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel Lot ID: 7.120187. ZBA Case 1630 has been Closed for Decision Only 5. Case No. 1631 – Dominic Veneziano, for property at 13 Birchwood Lane, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28512( B(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one side yard from 18 ft. (required) to 11.58 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28512( B)(4)(c) to reduce the total of two side yards from 40 ft. (required) to 37 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a sunroom on the property. The property is located in an R20 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.2401779. 6. Case No. 1701 – San Signs & Awnings, for property at 250 Tarrytown Rd., (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 2403( D)(14)(d)(1) to increase the maximum letter height of a wall sign from 2 ft. (permitted) to 2.14 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 1 (“Nail & Spa”), to 2.18 ft. for Tenant 2 (“Not Just Deli”) and to 2.24 ft. on two (2) signs for Tenant 3 (“Mattress Firm”)? to increase the length of a wall sign from 9.7 ft. (permitted) to 12.39 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 1? from 8 ft. (permitted) to 16 ft. for Tenant 2? and from 20.375 ft. (permitted) to 25.46 ft. (proposed) for Tenant 3, in order to install four (4) new wall signs. The property is located in an URGCUrban Renewal General Commercial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.4903021 7. Case No. 1702 – Sanjay& Medhar Nerkar, for property at 3 Westway, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28515( B)(3)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum principal building coverage from 24 % (permitted), 24.4 % (existing) to 24.44 % (proposed)? from Section 28539( 2)(a) to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 2,902 sq. ft. (permitted) to 3,279 sq. ft. (proposed), in order to construct an addition. The property is located in an R7.5 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.17011011. 8. Case No. 1704 – Joseph Fiorelli, for property at 75 Mayfair Way, (PO Box White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 28514( B)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one side yard from 12 ft. (required) to 3 ft. (proposed)? from Section 28514( B)(4)(c) to reduce the rear yard from 12 ft. (required) to 5 ft. (proposed)? and from Section 28540( B)(4) to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 15 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a two (2) car garage. The property is located in an R10 OneFamily Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.801011.