1. ZBA 17-20 - Glenn Preiser, for property at 110 Nepperhan Ave. (PO Elmsford, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-32(B)(3)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum principal building coverage from 15 % (permitted), 21.4 % (existing from ZBA Case 97-34) to 45 % (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(3)(c) to increase the maximum building coverage for all buildings from 20 % (permitted), 21.4 % (existing from ZBA Case 97-34) to 45 % (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(4)(a) to reduce the front yard from 40 ft. (required), 1.50 ft. (existing from ZBA Case 67-39) to 1.0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(4)(b) to reduce the south side from 50 ft. (required) to 1.0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(4)(d) to reduce the rear yard from 50 ft. (required), 18.30 ft. (existing from ZBA Case 97-34) to 1.0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)((3)(d) to increase the maximum impervious surface from 80 % (permitted), 100 % (existing from ZBA Case 91-22) to 100 % (proposed); from Section 285-38(E) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease the off-street parking from 102 spaces (required) to 17 (proposed), in order to construct a new building; and a Special Permit pursuant to Section 285-38(D)(6)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to provide satellite parking utilizing the applicant’s property across the street from 110 Nepperhan Avenue. The property is located in an LI-Light Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.180-55-11.
2. New Cases
3. ZBA 17-25 – Jennifer McGrady & Brian Kirkbride, for property at 53 Club Way, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-39(D)(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 4,575 sq. ft. (permitted) to 6,009 sq. ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C) to increase a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to construct an addition. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.360-256-30.
4. ZBA 17-26 – Lioudmila Lazareva, for property at 115 Mendham Avenue, (PO Hastings-on-Hudson, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-15(B)(4)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard from the principal structure from 26 ft. (required), to 2 ft. (proposed) and to reduce the rear yard for the deck from 21 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-15(B)(4)(b) to reduce the side yard for the deck from 6 ft. (required) to 4.66 ft. (proposed), in order to legalize a sunroom and an existing deck. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.550-381-1
5. ZBA 17-27 – Alan & Sharon Ho, for property at 281 Glendale Road, (PO Box Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-39(D)(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 5,010 sq. ft. (permitted) to 5,785 sq. ft. (proposed), in order to construct an addition. The property is located in R-20 Once-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as 8.4000-279-8.
6. ZBA 17-28 – 609 Saw Mill River Road Realty, LLC, for property at 607 Saw Mill River Road (PO Elmsford, N.Y.), (Project LOT A). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-40(B)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the height of two (2) canopies from 12 ft. (permitted) to 18.25 ft. (proposed) for canopy “A” and 18 ft. for canopy “B”; from Section 285-36(J) to allow two (2) canopies in the front yard (proposed) instead of the rear yard (required); from Section 285-32(B)(5)(c) to reduce the rear yard setback for canopy “A” from 25 ft. (required) to 18 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(5)(a) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the principal building from 25 ft. (required) to 5. 7 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-32(B)(5)(c) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the rear lot line (south side) from 25 ft. (required) to 12.6 ft. (proposed), in order to construct two (2) canopies at a gas station. The property is located in an LI-Light Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.060-3-7 and part of 7.060-3-8.
7. ZBA 17-29 - 609 Saw Mill River Road Realty, LLC, for property at 607 Saw Mill River Road (PO Elmsford, N.Y.), (project LOT B). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-32(B)(3)(a) increase the maximum principal building coverage from 15 % (permitted) to 29.1 % (proposed); from 285-32(B) to permit off-street parking in the front yard; from Section 285-32(B)(5)(b) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the north side lot line from 25 ft. (required) to 10 ft. (proposed), to the south side lot line from 25 ft. (required) to 18.3 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-32(5)(c) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the rear lot line from 25 ft. (required) to 4.3 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a self-storage facility. The property is located in an LI-Light Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.060-3-9 and part of 7.060-3-8
8. ZBA 17-30 - 246 Central Park Avenue North, LLC, for property at 246 Central Park Avenue North, (PO Box Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-38(E) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the off-street parking from 31 spaces (required) to 25 spaces (proposed) in order to operate a daycare facility. The property is located in the CA-Central Avenue Mixed Use District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.210-153-10.
1. ZBA 17-20 - Glenn Preiser, for property at 110 Nepperhan Ave. (PO Elmsford, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-32(B)(3)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum principal building coverage from 15 % (permitted), 21.4 % (existing from ZBA Case 97-34) to 45 % (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(3)(c) to increase the maximum building coverage for all buildings from 20 % (permitted), 21.4 % (existing from ZBA Case 97-34) to 45 % (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(4)(a) to reduce the front yard from 40 ft. (required), 1.50 ft. (existing from ZBA Case 67-39) to 1.0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(4)(b) to reduce the south side from 50 ft. (required) to 1.0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(4)(d) to reduce the rear yard from 50 ft. (required), 18.30 ft. (existing from ZBA Case 97-34) to 1.0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)((3)(d) to increase the maximum impervious surface from 80 % (permitted), 100 % (existing from ZBA Case 91-22) to 100 % (proposed); from Section 285-38(E) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease the off-street parking from 102 spaces (required) to 17 (proposed), in order to construct a new building; and a Special Permit pursuant to Section 285-38(D)(6)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to provide satellite parking utilizing the applicant’s property across the street from 110 Nepperhan Avenue. The property is located in an LI-Light Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.180-55-11.
2. New Cases
3. ZBA 17-25 – Jennifer McGrady & Brian Kirkbride, for property at 53 Club Way, (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-39(D)(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 4,575 sq. ft. (permitted) to 6,009 sq. ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C) to increase a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to construct an addition. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.360-256-30.
4. ZBA 17-26 – Lioudmila Lazareva, for property at 115 Mendham Avenue, (PO Hastings-on-Hudson, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-15(B)(4)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard from the principal structure from 26 ft. (required), to 2 ft. (proposed) and to reduce the rear yard for the deck from 21 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-15(B)(4)(b) to reduce the side yard for the deck from 6 ft. (required) to 4.66 ft. (proposed), in order to legalize a sunroom and an existing deck. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.550-381-1
5. ZBA 17-27 – Alan & Sharon Ho, for property at 281 Glendale Road, (PO Box Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-39(D)(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 5,010 sq. ft. (permitted) to 5,785 sq. ft. (proposed), in order to construct an addition. The property is located in R-20 Once-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as 8.4000-279-8.
6. ZBA 17-28 – 609 Saw Mill River Road Realty, LLC, for property at 607 Saw Mill River Road (PO Elmsford, N.Y.), (Project LOT A). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-40(B)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the height of two (2) canopies from 12 ft. (permitted) to 18.25 ft. (proposed) for canopy “A” and 18 ft. for canopy “B”; from Section 285-36(J) to allow two (2) canopies in the front yard (proposed) instead of the rear yard (required); from Section 285-32(B)(5)(c) to reduce the rear yard setback for canopy “A” from 25 ft. (required) to 18 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(5)(a) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the principal building from 25 ft. (required) to 5. 7 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-32(B)(5)(c) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the rear lot line (south side) from 25 ft. (required) to 12.6 ft. (proposed), in order to construct two (2) canopies at a gas station. The property is located in an LI-Light Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.060-3-7 and part of 7.060-3-8.
7. ZBA 17-29 - 609 Saw Mill River Road Realty, LLC, for property at 607 Saw Mill River Road (PO Elmsford, N.Y.), (project LOT B). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-32(B)(3)(a) increase the maximum principal building coverage from 15 % (permitted) to 29.1 % (proposed); from 285-32(B) to permit off-street parking in the front yard; from Section 285-32(B)(5)(b) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the north side lot line from 25 ft. (required) to 10 ft. (proposed), to the south side lot line from 25 ft. (required) to 18.3 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-32(5)(c) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the rear lot line from 25 ft. (required) to 4.3 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a self-storage facility. The property is located in an LI-Light Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.060-3-9 and part of 7.060-3-8
8. ZBA 17-30 - 246 Central Park Avenue North, LLC, for property at 246 Central Park Avenue North, (PO Box Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-38(E) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the off-street parking from 31 spaces (required) to 25 spaces (proposed) in order to operate a daycare facility. The property is located in the CA-Central Avenue Mixed Use District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.210-153-10.