1. Case No. 18-10 – Rocco Salerno, for property at 4 Elizabeth Street (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-36(F)(1) to permit storage of a recreational vehicle in the front yard and not screened. The Property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is Designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel Lot ID: 8.290-221-5 ZBA Case No. 18-10 has been Closed for Decision Only
2. Case No. 18-19 - White Hickory Associates, LLC, for property at 600 White Plains Road, (P.O. Tarrytown, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 240-3(A)(b)of the Sign & Illumination Law to decrease the open space below two yard (2) signs from 5 ft. (required) to 1 ft. (proposed); and from Section 240-3(D)(3)(b) to increase the number of yard signs from two (2) (permitted) to four (4) (proposed). The property is located in an OB-Office Business District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.230-100-1.2
3. Case No. 18-20 - New Castle Building Products, for property at 535 Old Tarrytown Road, (P.O. White Plains, N.Y.) Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-32(B)(5)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the principal building from 25 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(5)(b) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the side lot line from 25 ft. (required) to 11.2 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-32(B)(3)(d) to increase the maximum impervious surface area from 80 % (permitted) to 82.4 % (proposed), in order to install additional parking. The property is located in an LI-Light Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.410-221-15
4. Case No. 18-21 - Stephen Wise Free Synagogue for Westchester Hills Cemetery, for property located at 400 Saw Mill River Road, (P.O. Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-36(B)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard setback from 100 ft. (required), 25.17 (existing) to 25.17 ft. (proposed); to reduce one side yard setback from 100 ft. (required), 41 ft. (existing) to 32 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-36(B)(4) to reduce the minimum size lot for a mausoleum from 50 acres (required) to 11.7 acres (proposed), granted in ZBA case 97-66; and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to expand an existing nonconforming building and convert it to a mausoleum.. The property is located in an R-30 One-Family Residence District and is located on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.490-349-2 & 3
5. Case No. 18-22 – Brendon & Aileen Riordan, for property located at 211 Woodlands Avenue, (P.O. White Plains, N.Y. Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-12(B)(5)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the distance from an accessory structure to the side lot line from 16 ft. (required) to 4.97 ft. (proposed); from Section 185-40(B)(4) to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 19.75 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-10(3)(J) to increase the number of vehicle spaces from 7 (permitted) to 8 (proposed), in order to construct a new garage. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.110-61-49.
7. Case No. 18-23 – Jonathan & Margarita Zippin, for property located at 11 Thomas Lane, (P.O. Scarsdale, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-12(B)(3)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum impervious surface area from 33.5 % (permitted), 39 % (existing) to 39 % (proposed); from Section 285-13(B)(4)(b) to reduce one side yard from the principal structure from 14 ft. (required) to 7.8 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-13(B)(4)(c) to reduce two (2) side yards from 30 ft. (required) to 26.55 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-5 to decrease a side yard from a patio from 10 ft. (required), 1.8 ft. (existing) to 1.8 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a one (1) story addition. The property is located in an R-15 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.470-332-16.
8. Case No. 18-24 – Ellen Rosenberg & Marvin Price, for property located at 6 Algonquin Drive, (PO Irvington, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting area variances from 285-14(B)(4)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard from the principal structure from 28 ft. (required) to 21 ft. (proposed); and to reduce the rear yard from a deck from 23 ft. (required) to 13.46 ft. (proposed), in order to legalize a sunroom and construct a new deck. The property is located in a R-10 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.370-189-27
9. Case No. 18-25 - Gary Guo, for property located at 30 Henry Street, (PO Scarsdale, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting an area variance from 285-15(B)(4)(C) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce a total of two side yards from 30 ft. (required) to 28.98 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to legalize an enclosed porch. The property is located in a R-15 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.540-370-12
1. Case No. 18-10 – Rocco Salerno, for property at 4 Elizabeth Street (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-36(F)(1) to permit storage of a recreational vehicle in the front yard and not screened. The Property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is Designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel Lot ID: 8.290-221-5 ZBA Case No. 18-10 has been Closed for Decision Only
2. Case No. 18-19 - White Hickory Associates, LLC, for property at 600 White Plains Road, (P.O. Tarrytown, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 240-3(A)(b)of the Sign & Illumination Law to decrease the open space below two yard (2) signs from 5 ft. (required) to 1 ft. (proposed); and from Section 240-3(D)(3)(b) to increase the number of yard signs from two (2) (permitted) to four (4) (proposed). The property is located in an OB-Office Business District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.230-100-1.2
3. Case No. 18-20 - New Castle Building Products, for property at 535 Old Tarrytown Road, (P.O. White Plains, N.Y.) Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-32(B)(5)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the principal building from 25 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-32(B)(5)(b) to reduce the distance from off-street parking to the side lot line from 25 ft. (required) to 11.2 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-32(B)(3)(d) to increase the maximum impervious surface area from 80 % (permitted) to 82.4 % (proposed), in order to install additional parking. The property is located in an LI-Light Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.410-221-15
4. Case No. 18-21 - Stephen Wise Free Synagogue for Westchester Hills Cemetery, for property located at 400 Saw Mill River Road, (P.O. Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting variances from Section 285-36(B)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard setback from 100 ft. (required), 25.17 (existing) to 25.17 ft. (proposed); to reduce one side yard setback from 100 ft. (required), 41 ft. (existing) to 32 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-36(B)(4) to reduce the minimum size lot for a mausoleum from 50 acres (required) to 11.7 acres (proposed), granted in ZBA case 97-66; and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to expand an existing nonconforming building and convert it to a mausoleum.. The property is located in an R-30 One-Family Residence District and is located on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.490-349-2 & 3
5. Case No. 18-22 – Brendon & Aileen Riordan, for property located at 211 Woodlands Avenue, (P.O. White Plains, N.Y. Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-12(B)(5)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the distance from an accessory structure to the side lot line from 16 ft. (required) to 4.97 ft. (proposed); from Section 185-40(B)(4) to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 19.75 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-10(3)(J) to increase the number of vehicle spaces from 7 (permitted) to 8 (proposed), in order to construct a new garage. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.110-61-49.
7. Case No. 18-23 – Jonathan & Margarita Zippin, for property located at 11 Thomas Lane, (P.O. Scarsdale, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-12(B)(3)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum impervious surface area from 33.5 % (permitted), 39 % (existing) to 39 % (proposed); from Section 285-13(B)(4)(b) to reduce one side yard from the principal structure from 14 ft. (required) to 7.8 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-13(B)(4)(c) to reduce two (2) side yards from 30 ft. (required) to 26.55 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-5 to decrease a side yard from a patio from 10 ft. (required), 1.8 ft. (existing) to 1.8 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a one (1) story addition. The property is located in an R-15 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.470-332-16.
8. Case No. 18-24 – Ellen Rosenberg & Marvin Price, for property located at 6 Algonquin Drive, (PO Irvington, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting area variances from 285-14(B)(4)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard from the principal structure from 28 ft. (required) to 21 ft. (proposed); and to reduce the rear yard from a deck from 23 ft. (required) to 13.46 ft. (proposed), in order to legalize a sunroom and construct a new deck. The property is located in a R-10 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.370-189-27
9. Case No. 18-25 - Gary Guo, for property located at 30 Henry Street, (PO Scarsdale, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting an area variance from 285-15(B)(4)(C) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce a total of two side yards from 30 ft. (required) to 28.98 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to legalize an enclosed porch. The property is located in a R-15 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.540-370-12