1. Case No. 18-28 – Scott Sawin, for property at 156 Caterson Terrace, (P.O. Hartsdale, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-15( B)(5)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the side yard from an accessory structure from 10 ft. (required), 4.1 (existing) to 4.1 (proposed); from Section 281-15(B)(5)(c) to reduce the rear yard from an accessory structure from 10 ft. (required), 3.9 ft. (existing) to 3.9 (proposed); from Section 285-15(B)3)(b) to increase the maximum accessory building coverage from 6 % (permitted), 3 % (existing) to 8.9 % (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to construct a two car garage. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.260-204-11
2. Case No. 18-31 - White Plains Shopping Center, LLC, for property at 53 Tarrytown Road, (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting a Special Permit pursuant to Section 285-28(A)(2)(f), of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to allow a fully-enclosed restaurant. The property is located in a DS-Designed Shopping District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.80-42-8.
3. Case No. 18-33 – Marco Persichillo Trust, for property located at 70 Abbeville Lane, (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-10(3)(J) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the number of vehicle spaces from 3 (permitted) to 8 (proposed), in order to enlarge the garage on the property. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.470-288-11. ZBA Case 18-33 has been adjourned to February 10, 2019
4. Case No. 18-35 – Veterinary Emergency Group, for property located at 201Tarrytown Road, PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting a special permit pursuant to Section 258-28(A)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance to operate an animal hospital; from Section 285-28(B)(4)(b) to increase the maximum impervious surface 80 % (permitted), 82 % (existing) to 83 % (proposed); from Section 240-3(C)(9) of the Sign & Illumination Law to increase the number of wall signs from one (1) (permitted) on the front of the building to two (2) (proposed); and from Section 240-3(D)(7)(b) to increase the maximum size of a yard sign from 20 sq. ft. (permitted) to 50 sq. ft. (proposed). The property is located in the DS-Designed Shopping District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.20-18-3. Case No. 18-35 has been Closed for Decision Only
5. Case No. 18-37 – Isabel Sierra, for property located at 16 Leather Stocking Lane, (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-14(B)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one (1) side yard from 12 ft. (required) to 8.7 ft. (proposed); and from Section285-42(C)(1) to increase a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to construct an addition. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.340-167-25.
7. Case No. 18-22 –Brendon & Aileen Riordan, for property located at 211 Woodlands Avenue, (P.O. White Plains, N.Y. Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-12(B)(5)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the distance from an accessory structure to the side lot line from 16 ft. (required) to 4.97 ft. (proposed); from Section 185-40(B)(4) to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 19.75 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-10(3)(J) to increase the number of vehicle spaces from 7 (permitted) to 8 (proposed), in order to construct a new garage. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.110-61-49. ZBA Case No. 18-22 has been adjourned to February 7, 2019
8. Case No. 18-36 – Awaken Church of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, for property located at 2 Lawrence Street (PO Ardsley, NY). Applicant is requesting a special permit pursuant to Section 285-33(2)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to establish a church. The property is located in a GI-General Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.370-267-3
9. Case No. 18-38 - Virginia Baker, for property located at 72 Hawthorne Way (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-12(B)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one (1) side yard from 20 ft. (required) to 13.3 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-12(B)(4)(c) to reduce a total of two (2) side yards from 45 ft. (required) to 33.3 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to legalize a new roof. The property is located in an R-30 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.280-214-41.
10. Case No. 18-39 – Jesus Cachaya, for property located at 51 Rosemont Blvd.,(PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-39(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 2,353 sq. ft. to 2,612 sq. ft. (proposed); from Section 285-16(B)(4)(b) to reduce a side yard from 8 ft. (required), 3.6 ft. (existing) to 3.6 ft. (proposed); and Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to build an addition. The property is located in a UR-Urban Renewal District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.420-244-12
1. Case No. 18-28 – Scott Sawin, for property at 156 Caterson Terrace, (P.O. Hartsdale, N.Y.). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-15( B)(5)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the side yard from an accessory structure from 10 ft. (required), 4.1 (existing) to 4.1 (proposed); from Section 281-15(B)(5)(c) to reduce the rear yard from an accessory structure from 10 ft. (required), 3.9 ft. (existing) to 3.9 (proposed); from Section 285-15(B)3)(b) to increase the maximum accessory building coverage from 6 % (permitted), 3 % (existing) to 8.9 % (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to construct a two car garage. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.260-204-11
2. Case No. 18-31 - White Plains Shopping Center, LLC, for property at 53 Tarrytown Road, (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting a Special Permit pursuant to Section 285-28(A)(2)(f), of the Zoning Ordinance, in order to allow a fully-enclosed restaurant. The property is located in a DS-Designed Shopping District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.80-42-8.
3. Case No. 18-33 – Marco Persichillo Trust, for property located at 70 Abbeville Lane, (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting an area variance from Section 285-10(3)(J) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the number of vehicle spaces from 3 (permitted) to 8 (proposed), in order to enlarge the garage on the property. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.470-288-11. ZBA Case 18-33 has been adjourned to February 10, 2019
4. Case No. 18-35 – Veterinary Emergency Group, for property located at 201Tarrytown Road, PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting a special permit pursuant to Section 258-28(A)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance to operate an animal hospital; from Section 285-28(B)(4)(b) to increase the maximum impervious surface 80 % (permitted), 82 % (existing) to 83 % (proposed); from Section 240-3(C)(9) of the Sign & Illumination Law to increase the number of wall signs from one (1) (permitted) on the front of the building to two (2) (proposed); and from Section 240-3(D)(7)(b) to increase the maximum size of a yard sign from 20 sq. ft. (permitted) to 50 sq. ft. (proposed). The property is located in the DS-Designed Shopping District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.20-18-3. Case No. 18-35 has been Closed for Decision Only
5. Case No. 18-37 – Isabel Sierra, for property located at 16 Leather Stocking Lane, (PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-14(B)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one (1) side yard from 12 ft. (required) to 8.7 ft. (proposed); and from Section285-42(C)(1) to increase a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to construct an addition. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.340-167-25.
7. Case No. 18-22 –Brendon & Aileen Riordan, for property located at 211 Woodlands Avenue, (P.O. White Plains, N.Y. Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-12(B)(5)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the distance from an accessory structure to the side lot line from 16 ft. (required) to 4.97 ft. (proposed); from Section 185-40(B)(4) to increase the height of an accessory structure from 12 ft. (permitted) to 19.75 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-10(3)(J) to increase the number of vehicle spaces from 7 (permitted) to 8 (proposed), in order to construct a new garage. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.110-61-49. ZBA Case No. 18-22 has been adjourned to February 7, 2019
8. Case No. 18-36 – Awaken Church of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, for property located at 2 Lawrence Street (PO Ardsley, NY). Applicant is requesting a special permit pursuant to Section 285-33(2)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to establish a church. The property is located in a GI-General Industrial District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.370-267-3
9. Case No. 18-38 - Virginia Baker, for property located at 72 Hawthorne Way (PO Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-12(B)(4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce one (1) side yard from 20 ft. (required) to 13.3 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-12(B)(4)(c) to reduce a total of two (2) side yards from 45 ft. (required) to 33.3 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to legalize a new roof. The property is located in an R-30 One-Family Residential District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.280-214-41.
10. Case No. 18-39 – Jesus Cachaya, for property located at 51 Rosemont Blvd.,(PO White Plains, NY). Applicant is requesting area variances from Section 285-39(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 2,353 sq. ft. to 2,612 sq. ft. (proposed); from Section 285-16(B)(4)(b) to reduce a side yard from 8 ft. (required), 3.6 ft. (existing) to 3.6 ft. (proposed); and Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to build an addition. The property is located in a UR-Urban Renewal District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.420-244-12