1. ZBA Case No. 19-21 – Michael Teverbaugh, for property located at Van Cott Avenue (P.O. White Plains, NY). Applicant is applying for variances from Section 285-39(C)(9)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease required street frontage from 25 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed) on each of the three (3) lots in connection with a proposed three (3) lot subdivision. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel IDs: 7.520-316-11,12,13,14,& 15. ZBA Case No. 19-21 – Request for As-of-Right Adjournment
3. ZBA Case No. 19-28 – Ferncliff Cemetery, for property located at 280 Secor Road (P.O. Hartsdale, NY).). Applicant is applying for area variances from Section 285-36(B)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum building height from 28 ft. (permitted), 43.9 ft. (existing) to 43.9 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-36(B)(3) to increase the maximum building coverage from 5 % (permitted), 6.93 % (existing) to 7.03 % (proposed); from 285-36(B)(6) to increase the maximum building footprint from 5,000 sq. ft. (permitted), 91,587 sq. ft. (existing) to 94, 512 sq. ft. (proposed); from Section 285-36(B)(6) to increase the maximum building length from 100 ft. (permitted), 347.2 ft. (existing) to 347.2 ft. (proposed) and to increase the maximum building depth from 100 ft. (permitted), 295.8 ft. (existing) to 295.8 ft. (proposed); and from Section 245-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to build an extension to the existing second floor of a mausoleum. The property is located in an R-30 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.171-123-1. ZBA Case No. 19-28 – Request for As-of-Right Adjournment
4. ZBA Case No. 19-29 - Jose Bejar, for property located at 8 Lark Avenue (P.O. White Plains, NY).). Applicant is applying for area variances from Section 285-40(C)(5) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum height of an arch wall in the south side yard from 6 ft. (permitted) to 11 ft. (proposed) and to increase the maximum height of an arch wall in the north side yard from 6 ft. (permitted) to 10.083 ft. (proposed) in order to legalize a combination of wall and fence. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.520-319-33.
5. ZBA Case No. 19-30 - Kim & Darryl Abrams, for property located at 31 Mt. Joy Avenue, (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is applying for an area variance from Section 285-16(B)(4)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard setback from 26 ft. (required) to 17 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a sun room. The property is located in an R-5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.460-329-6.
6. ZBA Case No. 19-31 – Scott Krady, for property located 16 Mulligan Lane (P.O. Irvington, NY). Applicant is applying for an area variance from Section 285-12(B)(3)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum impervious surface from 29 % (permitted) to 31.6 % (proposed), in order to construct a patio. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.370-188-29.
7. ZBA Case No. 19-32 – Evan Pressman, for property located 10 Shaw Lane (P.O. Irvington, NY). Applicant is applying for an area variance from Section 285-15(B)(4)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard setback from 21 ft. (required) to 9.60 ft. (proposed) in order to construct a deck. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.370-190-13.
8. ZBA Case No. 19-33 - Daniel Guzman, for property located 37 Laurel Street (P.O. Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is applying for an area variance from Section 285-15(B)(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard setback from 20 ft. (required), 15.58 ft. (existing) to 11.75 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-15(B)(4)(b) to reduce one (1) side yard from 10 ft. (required), 1.83 ft. (existing) to 1.83 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-15(B)(4)(c) to reduce a total of two (2) side yards from 22 ft. (required), 17.75 ft. (existing) to 17.75 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to construct a second story addition. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.200-146-4.
1. ZBA Case No. 19-21 – Michael Teverbaugh, for property located at Van Cott Avenue (P.O. White Plains, NY). Applicant is applying for variances from Section 285-39(C)(9)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance to decrease required street frontage from 25 ft. (required) to 0 ft. (proposed) on each of the three (3) lots in connection with a proposed three (3) lot subdivision. The property is located in an R-10 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel IDs: 7.520-316-11,12,13,14,& 15. ZBA Case No. 19-21 – Request for As-of-Right Adjournment
3. ZBA Case No. 19-28 – Ferncliff Cemetery, for property located at 280 Secor Road (P.O. Hartsdale, NY).). Applicant is applying for area variances from Section 285-36(B)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum building height from 28 ft. (permitted), 43.9 ft. (existing) to 43.9 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-36(B)(3) to increase the maximum building coverage from 5 % (permitted), 6.93 % (existing) to 7.03 % (proposed); from 285-36(B)(6) to increase the maximum building footprint from 5,000 sq. ft. (permitted), 91,587 sq. ft. (existing) to 94, 512 sq. ft. (proposed); from Section 285-36(B)(6) to increase the maximum building length from 100 ft. (permitted), 347.2 ft. (existing) to 347.2 ft. (proposed) and to increase the maximum building depth from 100 ft. (permitted), 295.8 ft. (existing) to 295.8 ft. (proposed); and from Section 245-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to build an extension to the existing second floor of a mausoleum. The property is located in an R-30 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.171-123-1. ZBA Case No. 19-28 – Request for As-of-Right Adjournment
4. ZBA Case No. 19-29 - Jose Bejar, for property located at 8 Lark Avenue (P.O. White Plains, NY).). Applicant is applying for area variances from Section 285-40(C)(5) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum height of an arch wall in the south side yard from 6 ft. (permitted) to 11 ft. (proposed) and to increase the maximum height of an arch wall in the north side yard from 6 ft. (permitted) to 10.083 ft. (proposed) in order to legalize a combination of wall and fence. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.520-319-33.
5. ZBA Case No. 19-30 - Kim & Darryl Abrams, for property located at 31 Mt. Joy Avenue, (PO Scarsdale, NY). Applicant is applying for an area variance from Section 285-16(B)(4)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard setback from 26 ft. (required) to 17 ft. (proposed), in order to construct a sun room. The property is located in an R-5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.460-329-6.
6. ZBA Case No. 19-31 – Scott Krady, for property located 16 Mulligan Lane (P.O. Irvington, NY). Applicant is applying for an area variance from Section 285-12(B)(3)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum impervious surface from 29 % (permitted) to 31.6 % (proposed), in order to construct a patio. The property is located in an R-20 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.370-188-29.
7. ZBA Case No. 19-32 – Evan Pressman, for property located 10 Shaw Lane (P.O. Irvington, NY). Applicant is applying for an area variance from Section 285-15(B)(4)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the rear yard setback from 21 ft. (required) to 9.60 ft. (proposed) in order to construct a deck. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 7.370-190-13.
8. ZBA Case No. 19-33 - Daniel Guzman, for property located 37 Laurel Street (P.O. Hartsdale, NY). Applicant is applying for an area variance from Section 285-15(B)(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the front yard setback from 20 ft. (required), 15.58 ft. (existing) to 11.75 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-15(B)(4)(b) to reduce one (1) side yard from 10 ft. (required), 1.83 ft. (existing) to 1.83 ft. (proposed); from Section 285-15(B)(4)(c) to reduce a total of two (2) side yards from 22 ft. (required), 17.75 ft. (existing) to 17.75 ft. (proposed); and from Section 285-42(C)(1) to enlarge a nonconforming structure so as to increase such nonconformance, in order to construct a second story addition. The property is located in an R-7.5 One-Family Residence District and is designated on the Town Tax Map as Parcel ID: 8.200-146-4.