Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no public gathering in Town Hall for this meeting. If you would like to participate in the public hearing, you must pre-register through the Department of Community Development and Conservation by emailing publichearing@greenburghny.com or calling 914-989-1531, specifying the application that you would like to speak on. Instructions to participate will then be emailed to you or you will receive a return phone call. All persons interested in viewing the meeting live can do so via the Town’s website at https://ny-greenburgh.civicplus.com/485/Watch-Live-Board-Meetings or local Altice (formerly Optimum) Channel 76 and Verizon/FiOS Channel 35.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no public gathering in Town Hall for this meeting. If you would like to participate in the public hearing, you must pre-register through the Department of Community Development and Conservation by emailing publichearing@greenburghny.com or calling 914-989-1531, specifying the application that you would like to speak on. Instructions to participate will then be emailed to you or you will receive a return phone call. All persons interested in viewing the meeting live can do so via the Town’s website at https://ny-greenburgh.civicplus.com/485/Watch-Live-Board-Meetings or local Altice (formerly Optimum) Channel 76 and Verizon/FiOS Channel 35.